[3] Jerome Le Roẏ

Fe     1   enfans      Jerome Le Roy  X   tischeron de drape     [ green = de Forest handwriting ]
Wife     1   child      Jerome Le Roy  X   weaver of cloth     [ green = de Forest handwriting ]
      13.    Jerome Le Roẏ     –    aka, Gherom le Roy, le Roij
Born when:   1588–1600
1st married when:   24 September, 1620
Died when:  
Spouse 1:   Susanne le Per
2nd married when:  
Born where:   "Armentiers"
1st married where:   Leiden
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Children:   Elizabeth (1624), Susanne (1625), Sara (1627), Rebecca (1629), Isaac (1633)
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:   Waalse Reformed
Occupations:   "Baaiwerker"  
Known residences:   Leiden

      13a.  Susanne le Per     –    aka, le Paer 
Born when:   1595–1605
1st married when:   24 September, 1620
Died when:  
Spouse 1:   Jerome Le Roẏ
2nd married when:  
Born where:   Norwich, England
1st married where:   Leiden
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Children:   Elizabeth (1624), Susanne (1625), Sara (1627), Rebecca (1629), Isaac (1633)
Siblings:   Jean le Per
Friends and Relations:   Ester le Per, Susanne Jean (Jeune?)
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:  
Known residences:  

Timeline of Jerome Le Roẏ and Suzanne le Per



1609, August 9 1609, August 9. At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Elizabeth Bossu, the daughter of Rebecca Flemeng and Pierre Bossu, was baptised. The Witnesses were Esaië L'Enfant, Margrite Pance, Jean le Per and Susanne le Per.

1620, September 24 At Leiden marriage banns were annonced for Gherom le Roy, a "baaiwerker who was born at Armentiers, and Susanna le Paer who was born at "Noorwits".

1620, November 1 At the Waalse Vrouweskerk of Leiden Jerolme Le roy, native of Armeniers, and Susanne Le per, native "Norwits en Angleterre", were married.

1620, November 22 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Esther Henbo, the daughter of Esther le Pers and Jean Henbo, was baptised. The Witnesses were Noele le Mahieu [Note, Hester Mahieu, Pilgrim was born in Norwich, as was Susan le Per], Susanne le Per, Jaques Seralbet and Jaques le Per.

1622, February 17 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Jacob, the son of Pierre Gecquiere, was baptised. The Witnesses were Adrien le Mahieu, Marie Baucarue, Marie Abison and Jeromme le Roy.

1622, April 5 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Catelijn, the daughter of Hieronymus Leroi, was baptised. The Witnesses were Servaes Evenber, Catelijn Veir, Daniel du Four and Looise Vatin.

1624, February 18 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Elizabeth le Roy, the daughter of Susanne le Per and Jerome le Roy, was baptised. The Witnesses were Michel Huon, Susanne Jean, Pierre Goscar and Marguerite Desainzier.

1625, December 21 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Susanne, the daughter of Jerosine le Roij, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jean Rouseus, Catheline Cathienne, Marguerite le Fevre and Bauduin Doignijs.

1627, February 21 At the Waalse Vrouweskerk of Leiden the child of Michel Huson was baptised. The Witnesses were Michel Sensié, Jerosme le Roij, Esther le Pert and Pieronne Landa.

1627, June 6 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Marie, the daughter of Michel Censie, was baptised. The Witnesses were Thoinette Teyrau, Marie Billet, Jerosme le Roij and Jean du Trié.

1627, July 11 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Sara, the daughter of Jerosme le Roij, was baptised. The Witnesses were Susanne des Buquoij, Vincent Alar, Pasquier du Pon and Lysbeth Valrijs.

1627, October 24 At the Waalse Vrouweskerk of Leiden Isaac, the son of Charles Acquet was baptised. The Witnesses were Susanne le Per, André la Vienne, Marie Eschevin and Pasquier Sequar.

1628, May 7 At the Waalse Vrouweskerk of Leiden Marie, the daughter of Ambroise Sij, was baptised. The Witnesses were Susanne le Pert, Ledyen Onnexe, Nicolas Stinez and Anthoine dele Portes.

1628, May 25 At the Waalse Vrouweskerk of Leiden Jean le Per, the son of Marie Parquie and Jean le Per, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anthoine l' Enfant, Susanne le Per, Michele Parquié and Jean Parquiér.

1629, March 11 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Rebecca, the daughter of Jerosme le Roij, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anne Lamij, Marguerits des Rosie, Noël del Fortrije and Jean le Per.

1629, August 23 At the Waalse Vrouweskerk of Leiden Jean, the son of Jean le Pert, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jaqueline Cantis, Jean Magliez, Anthoine Lenfant and Susanne le Per.

1629, Nov. 18 At the Waalse Vrouweskerk of Leiden Jean, the son of Jean le Pert, was baptised. The Witnesses were Noël au Doux, Marie Carlié, Nicolas Senote and Susanne le Pert.

1630, Oct. 6 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Susanna Lensan, the daughter of Esther le Pert and Anthoine Lensan, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jean le Pert and Susanna le Pert.

1630, Nov. 17 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Abraham, the son of Hieronus le Roy, was baptised. The Witnesses were Charles Milhomme, Antoine Lenfant, Neeltge del Beque and Jaqueline Martin.

1631, April 27 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Marguerite Grolion, the daughter of Jeanne le Pla and Pierre Grolion, was baptised. The Witnesses were Gilles du Remel and Susanne le Per.

1631, Aug. 2 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Marie le Per, the daughter of Madelaine du Four and Anthoine le Per, was baptised. The Witnesses were Marguerite Del' Chambre, Ambroise Elij, Philippe le Peer and Susanne le Peer.

1633, April 24 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Pierre, the son of Nicolas Senocq, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jean du Bois, Anthoine le Per, Susanne le Per and Jeanne de Halluwijn.

1633, July 24 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Elizabeth, the daughter of Jean Alin, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anthoine Prouvo, Jean Matieu, Susanne le Per and Marie de Cranne.

1633, Aug. 21 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Charles, the son of Waleran de Valois, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anne Gruijon, Jeanne Viellers, Herosine le Roij and Charles Millonne.

1633, Sept. 10 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Isaac, the son of Jerosme le Roij, was baptised. The Witnesses were Catherine Bense, Jean le Pert, Marguerite le Pert and Thomas de la Cours.

1634, Dec. 7 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden a child of Pierre Viron and Elisabeth Clement was baptised. The Witnesses were Harolemen Hierome le Roy, Marie de Soubri, Daniel Veron and Thomas Martin.

1644, Jan. 10 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Pierre the son of Michel Gouij was baptised. The Witnesses were Pierre Ceton, Judith des Bucquoij, Jan de la Porte and Susanne le Pert.

1646, November _(?). At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Ester, the daughter of Anthoine le Per, was baptised. The Witnesses were Ester Petit, Susanne le Per, Jacques Fotin and Anthoine Sij.

1647, June 23 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Marie, the daughter of Pierre Pennel, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jean le Per, Marguerite le Roij, Susanne le Per and Michel Carlie.

1647, Oct. 13 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Pierre, the son of Jean Beton, was baptised. The Witnesses were Robert Rouille, Jeanne Couteau, Jean le Bateur and Susanne le Per.

1648, June 28 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Abigail le Per, the daughter of Marie Cossart and Jean le Per, was baptised. The Witnesses were Pierre Provost, Marguerite le Roy, Susanne le Per and Anthoine de Bucquoy.

1649, Feb. 21 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk of Leiden Jean, the son of Jean du Flo, was baptised. The Witnesses were Elie Cateau, Susanne le Per, Jeanne del Croix and Jacques Maistre.

[Note, the are more that one persons named Susanne le Per, and it is likely that one or more of the Witnesses with that name were not our subject]


Extracts from The Walloons and their church at Norwich : their history and registers, 1565-1832, by William John Charles Moens. Publication: Lymington, England : R.E. & C. King, 1887-1888. 2 v. in 1. Series: The Publications of the Huguenot Society of London; v. 1.

[PAGE 71] "Le Pere"
1595-96. Feb. 16. Ann, fille de......la Per. Tem Jean Lecohie et ....rre Boucau; le fe'me.....aume Mary et la fe'me Jaque ....art.

1598, Aug. 27. Susanne, fille Charle Pere. Tem. Jan l'Escje etJaques Farvaque; Mary Boudard et Marye Clairebout.

1598, Oct. 29. Phelipe, fils de Jan le P. et d'Ester Tietar. Tem. Daniel le Pere et Simon Duquennoy; Pieronne Faruague et Abigael Lieuuin.

1599, Jan. Luc, fil de Denniel le P. Tem. Jan le Pere et Pia Rose; Madelinne Casteau et Anne la femme de Nicola du Toit, et Pieronne, la femme Eurar Faruaque.

1600, July 6. Jacob, fils de Carle le Pert. Tem. Abraham Catel et Nicola de Lescolle; Francoisse, le femme de Nicola du Toit, et Pieronne, la femme Eurar Faruaque.

1601, Sept. 13. Ester, fils de Jean le Per. Tem. Philipe Detombe et Jaque Holbeque; Pieronne Carpentier et Marie le Cerf.

1603, Nov. 13. Jean, fils de Jean le Per, "fiels de Philippe le Per, natis de Liseule(?) et Esters, fielle de Antonne Testars (?) natiues de Noirwis" Tem. Martin le Lainggiout (?) et Eurars Faruarque; Mare, fe'me de Linnart Herichars, et Marie, vefue de Francois de Lannois.

1604, Nov. 25. Ester, fille de Martin le Paire. Tem. Grard de Buing et Gille Vinnyque; Cretienne Leschohieu et Jeanne Cateau.

1605, Oct. 13. Judich Tem. fille de Jan le Per. Tem. Pierre Hapio et Denis Lermite: la fe'me Nicolasdu Cele et Judich Lieuuin.

1605-1606, March 24. Jacob, fils de Martin le Pers. Tem. Jan le Pers et Belhamain Despres; la fe'me de Andrieu de France et la Fe'me de Garre de Beune.

1608, March 13. Anne, fille de Martin le Per. Tem. Jan Lescohie et Adrien Langlar; Thonnette femme de Garin Grimaupon, et la femme Gille Quasiez.

1609-1610, Feb. 18. Ester, fille de Partin le Pert. Tem. Grar de Buigne et Jaspar Polet; la fe'me de Nycolla de Cele et la fe'me de Jan Prouuoust.

            <  12. michelle Censier                                      Table of Contents                                      14. Glaude ghiselin  >





Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".

Map of the mouth of the Wyapoko River as depicted by Jean Mousnier la Montagne, c1623.

Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".