[16] Louẏ broque

Fme     2  enfans     Louẏ broque X   La boureur
Wive     2  children     Louẏ broque X   Laborer
     16.   Louẏ broque     –    aka, Loijs, Loui, Louijs, Louwys Lowys; Brock, Broek, Broock, Broq
Born when:   1587–1597
1st married when:   4 March, 1617
Died when:   bef. 1632
Spouse 1:   Gertrude Kyns
2nd married when:  
Born where:   "Sombreyn in Artoys"
1st married where:   Waalse Church, Leiden
Died where:   Netherlands
Spouse 2:   N/A
2nd married where:  
Children:   Marie (1620), Pierre (1622), Jean (1624)
Siblings:   Robert(?), Guillain
Friends:   "Pierre Covyn meester", Laurens Massar
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:  
Known residences:   March 1625 living on the Jacobsgracht
Notes:   Robert Breque was a witness at child's baptism, and might be brother of Louis though their surnames were spelled different on same record.

     16a. Gertrude Kyns     –    aka,   Geertruij, Geertruyt, Jethru, Jetru; Kyns, de Kynse, Quinze, Quinzeij, Quneij
Born when:   1590–1602
1st married when:   4 March, 1617
Died when:  
Spouse 1:   Louẏ broque
2nd married when:   4 February, 1632
Born where:   "land van Stavelen"; "Luyck" (Leige, Belgium).
1st married where:   Leiden, Netherlands
Died where:   Leiden, Netherlands
Spouse 2:   Henrick Mathysz
2nd married where:  
Children:   Marie (1620), Pierre (1622), Jean (1624)
Siblings:   Cathelijne de Kijns (Mathijs le Walon), Marie
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:  
Known residences:   1632 living at Maren, Nieuwe.
Notes:   Buried two children in late March and April, 1625. [Note, there are 2 Leyden notary documents for a Geertruijt le Quins from 1668 and 1670].

Timeline of Louẏ broque and Gertrude Kyns

1615, March At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Laurens, the son of Laurens Masseau (married to Maria Kinse?), was baptized. The Witnesses were Jestrou Quinse, Mathieu Noel, Katerine Bohé and Jaques Marliere.

1617, March 4 At Lieden marriage banns were posted for "Lowys Broock, a young man and a wolkammerr who was born at "Sombreyn in Artoys", and "Geertruyt de Kynse," a young daughter(?) who was born at "Luyck". The witnesses for the groom were Pierre Covyn "master" and his friend Giellis de Roy. The witnesses for the bride were Cathelyne de Kynse, her sister, and Adriana de Ty

1617, bet March-May At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Lieden "Louis Broke, a native of "Sombrein en Artois", and "Gertruit de Kinse", a native of Liege, were married.

1618, September 2 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Rachel, the daughter of Ghilain Vigner [Vigne emigrated to New Netherland in 1624], was baptized. The Witnesses were Geertrud Quinze, Ghilain Hardewin and Antoine Hardewin [Hardewin emigrated to New Netherland in 1624] "et sa femme".

1618, November 18 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Laurens, the son of Laurens Massar, was baptized. The Witnesses were Louijs Brock, Marie and George Gilles.

1620, February 2 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Marie Broq, the daughter of "Jethru Quinze" and Louis Broq, was baptized. The Witnesses were Marie Quinze and Robert Breque.

1622, January 30 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Pierre, the son of "Geertruij Quneij" and Louis Broque, was baptized. The Witnesses were Elizabeth Vincent, Jeanne Febvre, Guillain Broque and Thomas Poteau.

1624, February 25 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Jean Broque, the son of "Jetru Quinzeij" and Louijs Broque, was baptized. The Witnesses were Marguerite Vincent and Jean Gilles Simon.

1625, March 29 At Leyden a child of Louwys Broeck was buried. It was given that the deceased was living on Jacobsgracht.

1625, April 15 At Leyden a child of Louwys Broeck was buried.

1626 At Leiden "Jettru Quinse", the wife of "Louij Brocq filz de Pierre" appeared before notary Jan Mote causing a document to be created to which "Jettru" gave her mark. (Note, document mentions "quaetre enfans". At the end of document are named Anthoine La croix and Samuell Jacque) [inventory number 288, Document number 75, image 107 of 169]

1627, March 7 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Jean Broke (indexed as Brolie), the son of Anne de Win and Robert Broke, was baptized. The Witnesses were Gertruytjen Quinze, Pieronne Gourmau, Guilain Broke and Pierre Fontaine.

1627, March 14 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Isaac le Conte, the son of Phlippotte le Pla and Adries le Conte, was baptized. The Witnesses were Gilles Durnel, Geertruij Quinze, Jeanne le Pla and Jean Ferret.

1632, February 4 At Lieden marriage banns were posted for Henrick Mathysz, a lakendrapier born at "Heddemont and living at "Cruijsstraat" and Geertruyt Kyne who was the widow of "Loijs Brock" and living at "Maren, Nieuwe". The witness for the groom was Jan de Prins who was living at "Oude Chingel". The witness for the bride wa her sister "Cathelijne de Kijns" who was living at St Annenstraat.

1637, September 13 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Mathieu, the son of Mathijn Motte, was baptized. The Witnesses were Elisabeth le Prince, Geertrud de Quinze, Jan le Prince and Nicolas Coppé.

1638, March 21 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Jean, the son of Jean Perrot, was baptized. The Witnesses were Susanne du Rieu, Geertrud de Quinze, and Jan le Prince.

1638, November 28 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Elizabeth, the daughter of Henri le Sainct, was baptized. The Witnesses were Geertrud des Quin, Jan Lardinois, Cathelijne Guillaume and Jan le Sainct.

1639, Feb. 12 or 13 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Henri, the son of Hubert Henri, was baptized. The Witnesses were Pierre van duil, Henri Henri, Marie la Cour and Geertru de Quinze.

1639, March bet. 3-6 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Jeanne, the daughter of Hubert Selber, was baptized. The Witnesses were Closon Remacq, Rasquin Masa, Geertrude Quinze and Anne le Feffe.

1641, bet. July 7-11 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden the child of Lambert Romain was baptized. The Witnesses were Guillaume Willemot, Geertrud de Quins, Joris Valcke and Barbe Jansz.

1642, April 13 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Ann, the child of Henri Cousturier, was baptized. The Witnesses were Marguerite Manuel, Geertruijt de Quinze and Pierre Eduweijn.

1643, bet. May 3-10 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Pierre, the son of Pierre Prat, was baptized. The Witnesses were Geertruijt de Quinze, Gregoire Thomas Potion and Marguerite Philippe.

1644, April 10 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Abram, the son of Toussain Burkin, was baptized. The Witnesses were Goffrijn de Meij, Marie Donné, Geertruid de Quinze and Henri Jolier.

1646, June 10 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leyden Jacques, the son of Pierre van Vuil, was baptized. The Witnesses were Hubert Henri, Jan le Prince, Geertuid de Quinse and Marie des Bonnet.

                 <  15. Jan de Crenne                                      Table of Contents                                      17. Mousnier de la Montagne  >





Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".

Map of the mouth of the Wyapoko River as depicted by Jean Mousnier la Montagne, c1623.

Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".