[19] Jacque coine

Fe         2   enfans —     Jacque coine   Laboureur de terre
Fe         2   children —     Jacque coine   Laborer of the earth
    19.    Jacque coine     –    aka,
Born when:   1580-1594
1st married when:   18 July, 1614
Died when:   bet. 1635-1636
Spouse 1:   Christienne Baiseur
2nd married when:  
Born where:   Ron near Lille (now Flanders)
1st married where:   Waalse Kerk, Leiden
Died where:  
Spouse 2:   Jeanne Sergeant
2nd married where:  
Children:   Abraham (1615), Noe (1620), Jeanne, Catheline, Pierre
Siblings:   Jean
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:  
Known residences:  
Notes:   Seems to have married as his 2nd wife, Jeanne Sergeant, but the records for this marriage don't mention his would be previous wife, Christienne.

    19a.  Christienne Baiseur     –    aka,   Christienne Baiseur
Born when:   1580-1597
1st married when:   18 July, 1614
Died when:   bet. 1622-1627
Spouse 1:   Jacque Coine
2nd married when:  
Born where:   Tourcoing (now France)
1st married where:   Waals Kerk, Leiden
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Children:   Abraham (1615), Noe (1620)
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:   Waalse Reformed
Known residences:  

Timeline of Jacque coine and Christienne Baiseur

1611, September 11 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Jaques Coine was a Witness at the baptism of Abraham, the son of Marie le Baiseur and Jean Coine; the other Witnesses were Marie Coine, Marie le Pla and Jean Mercid.

1614, May 28 At Leiden, marriage banns were posted for "Jaecques Coenen (wolkammer) and Chartene Baseurs. It was given that the groom was born at "Roy bij Ryssele" and that the bride was born at Turcoingen. The witnesses for the groom were Fabiaen Fremaukt, his friend and Jan Coenen, the groom's brother. The witnesses for the bride were her niece, Mary Baseurs and her neice, Mary le Dou. The couple were married at the Walloon Church.

1614, July 18 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Jaques Coine, native of Ron(?) near Lille, married Chrestenne Baseu, native of Tourcoin.

1614, Sept. 14 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Chrestienne Baijseur was a Witness at the baptism of Abraham, the son of Francois Bervet; the other Witnesses were Gilles Cateur, Anne Lefevre and Abraham Masure.

1615, March 29 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Chrestienne le Baiseur was a Witness at the baptism of Moijse, the son of Marie le Baiseur and Jean Coinne; the other Witnesses were Cateline des Rousseaux, Guillaume le Leu and Gilles Castel.

1615, July 12 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Abraham, the son of Christienne le Baiseur and Jaques Coine was baptised; the Witnesses were Ottelette del Porte, Pasquier Coine, Jenne Fremau and Jean Coine.

1620, June 8 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Chrestienne le Baiseur was a Witness at the baptism of Jaques, the son of Anne le Fevre and Philippe Fauvarq; the other Witnesses were Jenne Devinet, Jean le Fevre and Anthoine Segar.

1620, June 28 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Noe, the son of Christienne le Baiseur and Jaques Coinne was baptised; the Witnesses were Moijse Molon, Jaquemine Coinne, Judith Bonsemar and Jean Coinne.

1622, Oct. 16 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Christienne le Baiseur was a Witness at the baptism of Esther, the daughter of Jean le Roij; the other Witnesses were Pierre le Baiseur, Marie Baiseur and Jaques le Baiseur.

1628, March(?) At Leiden, marriage banns were posted for "Jaecques Coenen (wolkammer) and Jenne Cheijan. a witness for the groom was ____? Vailjant and for the bride her mother, Cathalijne le Maire. [There is additional information that is hard to read because of being in Dutch which looks to include Jaques place of birth and residence.]

1628, April 24 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Jaques Coine and Jeane Sargeant were married. The marriage was recorded in the register as follows: Jaques Coine pagnair natif d'impres de Lille & Jeanne Serian natif d'Leyde _____? la Bogarty.

1628, May 7 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Jaques Coine was a Witness at the baptism of Jeanne, the daughter of Jean Jolij; the other Witnesses were Philippe Sergeant, Marie Charle and Jeanne Sergeant.

1629, Dec. 16 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Jeanne, the daughter of Jeanne Sergeant and Jaques Coine was baptised; the Witnesses were Pierre Sergeant, Marguerite Sergeant, Guilbert Vaillant, and Catheline Vaillant.

1633, Jan. 30 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Catheline, the daughter of Jeanne Sergeant and Jaques Coine was baptised; the Witnesses were Philippe Segeant, Jeanne Vaillant, Jean Vaillant and Barbe de le Bur.

1635, Aug. 5 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Pierre, the son of Jeanne Sergeant and Jaques Coine was baptised; the Witnesses were Caterine Vaillant, Tonnette Vaillant, Martin Robert and Toussain Muijssart.

1636, June 9 At Leiden, marriage banns were posted for Jacob Bofle (wolkammer) and Jannetgen Sergeant. It was given that the bride was the widow of "Jwecq Coine". The place of birth and residence of the groom were given as, "geboren te Ypre. Bij -, wonende te Achtergraft". The residence of the bride was given as, "wonende te Bogaertsteech". The witnesses for the groom was "Olivier Ferret meester Achtergraft" and for the bride "Catelijne le Maire moeder Bogaertsteech".

1645, Dec. 17 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Chrestienne Baiseur was a Witness at the baptism of Esther, the daughter of the daughter of Pierre Prouvost; the other Witnesses were Judith de Bucquoij, Francois le Roij and Jean de la Porte.



            <  18. Mousnier de la Montagne (2)                                      Table of Contents                                      20. Henrẏ Lambert  >





Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".

Map of the mouth of the Wyapoko River as depicted by Jean Mousnier la Montagne, c1623.

Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".