[20] Henrẏ Lambert

Fe            Henrẏ Lambert   drapier de drap
Wife            Henrẏ Lambert   drapier of cloth
     20.   Henrẏ Lambert  –   aka, Coeterier, Colterier, Coterier, Coturier, Cotterier, Cousturier, Cousturies, Couteur, Couturier, le Couturij
Born when:   1588–1598
1st married when:   23 October, 1620
Died when:  
Spouse 1:   Anne Digan
2nd married when:  
Born where:   Dampres de Limbourg
1st married where:   Leiden, Netherlands
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Children:   Henri (1621), Anne (1622), Rachel (1624), "Rachel Coturier" (1626), "Samuel Cotterier" (1628), David (1629), Marie (1630), Abraham (1633), NN Coterier (1634), Jacob (1635), Samuel (1636), David (1637), Isaac (1639), Jean (1641), Anne (1642)
Friends:   Jesse de Forest, Jaques de Lechielle, Martin Framerie, Pierre Haspar, Jan de la Mot
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:   Waalse Reformed
Occupations:     drapper, lakendrapier
Known residences:  
Notes:   There were two persons named Henry Lambert in Leiden at the time of the Round Robin. One Henri Lambert, born near Limbourg, and Anne Digan, of Novelles in Hanault, were married November 1, 1620. A second Henri Lambert, a native of Liege, was married November 10, 1621, to Marguerite Simon.
HENRI COUTURIER, a known New Netherland artist, was the son of this Henri Lambert and Ann Digand. He was baptized in 1621 and among the witnesses was Jesse deForest and his daughter Rachel. At least three works of people who lived in New Netherlands have been attributed to him at one time or another. He is believed to have painted the portrait of Peter Stuyvesand which hangs in the New York Historical Society.

There are two Leiden notary documents that are signed by a Henry Coitteur, the signatures Seem to match [The "H" in "Hendrick" and the "r" in Lambert matches the "r" in Hendrick]. One of these documents is also mentions and is signed by an Isaac or Isaijus(?) Digand; the document also may contain reference to Islands. The document might also mention a Hendrick Jessen(?). [archiefnummer 506, notaris Frans Doude, inventarisnummer 626, blad 164, image 278 of 318] A Leiden notary document from 1648 for Hendrik de Couturier carries the signature for both an older and youner Henry and the elder's signature, with the elder matching that on the Round Robin and the younger we need to compare with that of the artist. [archiefnummer 506, notaris Frans Doude, inventarisnummer 625, blad 024, image 40 of 279 https://www.erfgoedleiden.nl/collecties/archieven/archievenoverzicht/scans/NL-LdnRAL-0506/53.1.8/start/30/limit/10/highlight/9 ]. 1633 Leiden Waals baptism for child of Philippe Charlier has a Lambert Cotterier and an Anne Digant as two of the Witnesses. In 1635 Anne Digand was a Witness at the baptism of Lambert, son of Henri Cotignie.

    20a.  Anne Digan     –    aka,   Dygan
Born when:   1590–1604
1st married when:   October 23, 1620
Died when:   aft. 1680(?)
Spouse 1:   Henrẏ Lambert
2nd married when:  
Father:   Bertheleme Digand(?)
Born where:   "Noyelle Henegouwen"
1st married where:   Leiden, Netherlands
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Children:   Henri (1621), Anne (1622), Rachel (1624), "Rachel Coturier" (1626), "Samuel Cotterier" (1628), David (1629), Marie (1630), Abraham (1633), NN Coterier (1634), Jacob (1635), Samuel (1636), David (1637), Isaac (1639), Jean (1641), Anne (1642)
Siblings:   Marie Digan (George Baeur, Beava???), "Thoinette", Marguerite(?), Esaie(?)
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:   Waalse Reformed
Known residences:   Netherlands, Leiden
Notes:   Ann Digan appears in the records of Leiden (includ. Nota.) up until 1680.

Timeline of Henrẏ Lambert and Anne Digan

1620, Oct. 23 At Leyden marriage banns were posted for "Herry Lambert" a drapier born "bij Limburch", and Anna Dygan born at "Noyelle Henegouwen".

1620, Oct. 25 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leiden, Zacharie Framerie, the son of Marie Francois and Martin Framerie, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anne Digand, Jenne Harpeguic, Anthoine Francois and Henry Lambert.

1621, Jan. 3 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden a child of Henri Lijba was baptised. The Witnesses were Jenne des Pré, Simon Bylick, Henrij Lambert and Susan (the mother?).

1621, Jan. 31 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Abraham Baeur, the son of Marie Digand and "George Baeur", was baptised. The Witnesses were Madeleine de Jardin, Marie de Lourge, Jean de Pau and Henrij Lambert. [The father is Jorge Beava signer of the Round-Robin]

1621, Aug. 1 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Henri Lambert, the son of Henri Lambert, was baptised. The Witnesses were Thoinette Digand, Jaques de Lechielle, Rachel des Foret and Jessé des Forest.

1622, Aug. 28 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Anne Lambert, the daughter of Henri Lambert, was baptised. The Witnesses were Antoine Harduwijn [Harduwijn emigrated to New Netherland in 1624], Marie de Clou, Pierre Haspart, Jan Merniere and Marie Bernard.

1623, March 19 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Rachel, the daughter of Guillaum Vigne [Vigne emigrated to New Netherland in 1624], was baptised. The Witnesses were Henri Lambert, Pierre de Fache and Marguerite Vigné.

1624, June 2 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Rachel, the daughter of , was baptised. The Witnesses were Eve Potiou, Thomas Potijou, Anne Tour and Martin Paijen.

1624, July 27 At Leyden a child of Heynderick Lambrechtsz was buried. It was given that the deceased was living on Nieuwe Stadt.

1626, Sept. 13 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Rachel, the daughter of Henrij Coturier, was baptized. The sponsers were Francois Maslé, Henrij le Fort, Marguerite Digand, Simon Biloe and Anne Fermingue.

1627, Feb. 7 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Marie, the daughter of Henry le Fort, was baptized. The sponsers were Jeanne du Pire, Henrij le Couturij, Madeline de Renier and Michel le Balignan.

1628, June 1 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Marie, the daughter of Charles Daras, was baptized. The sponsers were Samuel le Roij, Catheline du Quenne [sister of Gertrude Kyns], Herrij Couturié and Marie de la Lin.

1628, July 2 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Samuel, the son of Henri Cotterier, was baptized. The sponsers were Marie Piere, Jean de Beaumont, Anne Picavet and Martin Framerie.

1629, March 11 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jeanne Haspar, the daughter of Jeanne Harpignij and Pierre Haspart, was baptised. The Witnesses were Elizabeth Curio, Francois Masqua, Esther le Gien and Henrij Cousturier.

1629, Oct. 21 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden David Cotterier, the son of Anne Digand and Henrij Cotterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Thomas Matthijs, Marie Jean and Marie Petibergien.

1629, Dec. 16 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jaques, the son of Anthoine Prevost, was baptized. The sponsers were Denis Varlet, Anne Digande, Jaques Bousmarc and Jeanne Bousmarc.

1630, Dec. 25 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Marie, the daughter of Henri Cotterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jean Vincent, Jeanne du Bois and Marie le Marechal.

1631, Dec. 25 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Rebecca Haspar, the daughter of Jeanne Harpens and Pierre Haspar, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jaques Lutin, Anne Turion, Anne Digand and Marc Turion.

1632, Aug. 22 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jonathan Cotterier, the son of Anne Digand and Henrij Cotterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Marguerite Ernoult, Lambert Desfe, Henrij Matthijs and Michele Parquij.

1633, Jann 16 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden philippe, the son of Philippe Charlier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anne Digant, Lambert Cotterier, Sara Wathij and Jean Vincent.

1633, Aug. 28 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Abraham, the son of Henrij Cotterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Susanne de Hannet, Catheline Jean Anthoine, Anthoine Sauvage and Esaie Digant.

1633, Sept. 8 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jeanne, the daughter of Anthoine Sauvage, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jean Dhul, Jean Vinent, Anne Digant and Sainton Milkaij.

1634, Oct. 29 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden a child of Henri Coterier and Anne Digand was baptised. The Witnesses were Cateline Tous, Henri Bartholomi and Henri Gerard.

1635, Feb. 25 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Henri, the son of Lambert Cotignie, was baptised. The Witnesses were Gilles Henri, Cateline Hussai, Anne Digand and Lambert Aerse.

1635, Sept. 16 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jacob, the son of Henri Cousturies, was baptised. The Witnesses were Abraham du Cret, Cateline Daineef, Cateline Has and Charles Barberson.

1635, Dec. 19 At Leyden a child of Herry Contrieu was buried. It was given that the deceased was living on Nieuwe Stadt. [The index has two entries for this date which may indicate two of Henri's children were buried on this date]

1636, Nov. 2 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Samuel, the son of Henri Coutterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Henri Gerard, Pirine Le Maire, Lambert Romain and Magdeleine van der Houre.

1637, Nov. 22 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden David, the son of Henri Cousturier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Alexandre Fouckenbergh, Marie Adrier, Daniel Hergue and Marie de Lannoij.

1638, March 22 At Leyden registered in the porterboken was Henrick Coeterier, a lakendrapier born in Limbourg—he was Witnessed by Henrick Gerritsz, a lakendrapier, and Henrick Mathijsz, a drapier.

1638, Sept. 12 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Marie, the daighter of Nicolas van Negre, was baptised. The Witnesses were Fijtie Cornelis, Jan de Roupij, Catelijne van Negre and Henri Couteur.

1639, August At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Zacharie, the son of Zacharie le Mort, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anne Digan, Jan le Mort, Jeanne L' Escaille and Salomon Bevio.

1639, Sept. 9 At Leyden Anna Digan and Hendrick Couturier, a lakendrapier, register real estate located on Stadsvrijdom (Heerwegh). [Tiende Register, fol. 251-470, Bon Noord-Rijnevest (B), en vervolgens fol. 1-44, stadsvrijdom en molens op de wallen., archiefnummer 501A, ~Stukken betreffende afzonderlijke onderwerpen; Registratie van onroerend goed 1585-1816 (1819), inventarisnummer 6634, blad 12. Note, document needs to be translated; date may be incorrect]

1639, Dec. 18 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Isaack, the son of Henri Cousturier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jan Mikke, Lambert Imbrecht and Sara Wijnhof.

1640, May 11 At Leyden Henry Couterier registered real estate located on Oostdwarsgracht. [Negende Register, fol. 1-340, bon Zijloord., archiefnummer 501A, ~Stukken betreffende afzonderlijke onderwerpen; Registratie van onroerend goed 1585-1816 (1819), inventarisnummer 6630, blad 106. Note, document needs to be translated; date may be incorrect]

1640, Dec. 25 At the Hooglandsche Kerk in Leyden Susanna de Lamot, the daughter of Mary Paradys and Jan de Lamot, was baptised. The Witnesses were Lysbet Berly, Mathys de Jonge, Mary Simons, Willem Fricke and Henrick Couturier.

1641, Jan. 27 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jean, the son of Henri Couturier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jeanne Harpenier, Nicolas Vanaigre, Jan Droughette and Jeanne Varoqué.

1641, Aug. 7 At Leyden Hendrick Couturier, a lakendrapier, and Anna Digan registered real estate located on Lange Scheistraat. [Achtste Register, fol. 1-352, bon Nieuwmaren., archiefnummer 501A, ~Stukken betreffende afzonderlijke onderwerpen; Registratie van onroerend goed 1585-1816 (1819), inventarisnummer 6628, blad 195v. Note, document needs to be translated; date may be incorrect]

1642, April 13 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Anne, the daughter of Henri Cousturier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Marguerite Manuel, Geertruijt de Quinze and Pierre Eduweijn.

1642, April 20 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Pierre, the son of Pierre Brise, was baptised. The Witnesses were Peronne Jan Fort, Pironne Gendré, Henri Consturier and Jan Huber.

1644, May 6 At Leyden registered in the porterboken was Gilles Martijn, a lakenwerker born in Verviers (B)—he was Witnessed by Heyndrick Coutery, a lakendrapier, and Pieter Blajaen, a lakendrapier.

1644, Dec. 18 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Marie, the daughter of Winand Mathijs, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anne Digan, Jan van Wertreen, and Jossine Vererwijsse.

1645, Aug. 17 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Ester, the daughter of Jean Corbisse, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anne Digan, Jan des Bucquoij [named in notary], Marij del Tombe and Joos des Plancque.

1645, May 26 At Leyden registered in the porterboken was Pieter Brisse, a lakendrapier born in Berlaimont (F)—he was Witnessed by Heyndricj Coutery, a lakendrapier, and Jan Huybertsz, a lakendrapier.

1648, Jan. 8 At Leyden marriage banns were posted for Heyndrick Couterier (Junior), who was born at Leyden and lived at Bierkay, and Lijsbeth Coppijn, who was born at Valenchijn and was living at Ouwde Chingel. The witness for the groom was his father Heyndrick Courterier who was living at Bierkay. The witnesses for the bride were her frien Barbar du Heyn and Jan Vossensteech. The wedding was held at the Waalse Vrouwkerk.

1646, Feb. "Hendrick de Couturier" appeared before Leyden notary Frans Doude and caused a document to be produced. [inventory number 623, file 138, image 231 of 269, line 10 names "Heyndrick le Ceuturie". The index at the front of the ledger names Hendrik Couturier—this would seem to be the elder rather than the son as the document does not distinguish.]

1648, Nov. 14 "Hendrick de Couturier" appeared before Leyden notary Frans Doude and caused a document to be produced. [inventory number 625, file 24, image 39 of 279. The document names the younger Henry and grain shipper Anthoine de Buquoij. The document is signed by both the younger and elder of the Hendrik Couturiers.]

1649, Aug. 2 "Hendrik de Couturier" appeared before Leyden notary Frans Doude and caused a document to be produced. [inventory number 624, file 164, image 278 of 318. The document contain the signature of Hendrick that matches the round-robin. Also signed by Isaac Digand]

1649, July 18 "Hendrick de Couturier" appeared before Leyden notary Frans Doude and caused a document to be produced. [inventory number 626, file 68, image 129 of 318. The document mentions Hendrick [lines 11/12] but doesn't seem to be signed by any of the Couturiers. However, the following document mentions and is signed by Guilaume de Coutenier.]

1651, Dec. 21 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jean, the son of Anthoinette Cousin and Andris Digin, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jean le Maire, Anne Digan, Jean le Maire, Jonathan de la Pierre and Judith Sebaine.

1657, March 7 At Marekerk in Leyden Anna, the daughterof Magdalena van Doesburch and Jonathan Couterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anna Dijgand, Marijtien van Leeuwen and Jacob Couterier.

1657, April 5 At Leyden Anna Dygand and Henrick Coutery, a koopman, register real estate located on Oude Vest. [Zevende Register, fol. 452-663, bon Overmare-Landzijde., archiefnummer 501A, ~Stukken betreffende afzonderlijke onderwerpen; Registratie van onroerend goed 1585-1816 (1819), inventarisnummer 6627, blad 653. Note, document needs to be translated; date may be incorrect]

1657, Nov. 16 At Pieterskerk in Leyden Maria, the daughterof Maritje Clarissen and Pieter van Hove, was baptised. The Witnesses were Sara Cardoen, Anna Digant, Pieter Clarissen and Abraham van Hove.

1658, March 24 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jeane, the daughterof Jeane du Pon and Aaron Cheval, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jaques du Crocq and Anne Digant.

1660, March 28 At the Marekerk in Leyden Maria, the daughter of Maria Clariel and Johannes Onkel, was baptised. The Witnesses were Louisie Catoire, Pieter Clariel and Anna Digand.

1661, May 4 At Leyden Anna Dygand and Pieter Claris register real estate located on Oude Vest. [Zevende Register, fol. 452-663, bon Overmare-Landzijde., archiefnummer 501A, ~Stukken betreffende afzonderlijke onderwerpen; Registratie van onroerend goed 1585-1816 (1819), inventarisnummer 6627, blad 653. Note, document needs to be translated; date may be incorrect]

1662, Nov. 22 At Pieterskerk in Leyden Heijnricus, the son of Willemtje van Tinnenbergh and Jonathan Coeterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jacob Coeterier and Anna Digand.

1665, May 24 At Hooglandsche kerk in Leyden Heendricus, the son of Cornelia van Muijden and David Coeterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anna van Muijden, Jacob Coeterier and Anna Digan.

1666, June 6 At Marekerk in Leyden Anna, the daughter of Willemtjen Jansd van Tinnenbergh and Jonathan Coeterier, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anna Digand and David Coetevier.

1671, May 21 At Leyden Anna Digan and Hendrick Couturier registered real estate located on Marendorp. [Zevende Register, fol. 355-451, vso. bon Overmare-Rijnzijde., archiefnummer 501A, ~Stukken betreffende afzonderlijke onderwerpen; Registratie van onroerend goed 1585-1816 (1819), inventarisnummer 6626, blad 370. Note, document needs to be translated; date may be incorrect]



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Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".

Map of the mouth of the Wyapoko River as depicted by Jean Mousnier la Montagne, c1623.

Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".