[21] Jorge Bèava
Fme 4 enfans Jorge Béava X charger
Wife 4 children Jorge Béava X loader
21. Jorge Bèava – aka, Joost Baeur, Bava, Beaval
1st married when: 20 February, 1620 Died when: Spouse 1: Marie Digand 2nd married when: Father: |
1st married where: Leiden, Netherlands Died where: Spouse 2: 2nd married where: Mother: |
Siblings: Friends: Business Partners: Religious affiliations: Occupations: saiiwerker Known residences: Notes: The marriage record of George and Marie have a note "accoring to the orphan chambe", which indicates that one of these personson was likely a minor (25 for male, 18 for femal = Adult?). There also may be orphan chamber records extant that give family relationships, etc. |
21a. Marie Digand – aka, Dygand
1st married when: 2 February, 1620 Died when: Spouse 1: Jorge Bèava 2nd married when: Father: |
1st married where: Died where: Spouse 2: 2nd married where: Mother: |
Siblings: Marguerite, Anne Friends: Henry Lambert, brother-in-law Business Partners: Religious affiliations: Waalse Reformed Occupations: Known residences: Leiden Notes: |
Timeline of Jorge Bèava and Marie Digand
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