[3] Jan dumont

  Fme      Jan dumont    X   Laboureur  [green=de Forest handwriting]
  Wife      Jan dumont   X   Laborer  [green=de Forest handwriting]
      3.    Jan dumont     –    aka,
Born when:  
1st married when:  
Died when:  
Spouse 1:  
2nd married when:  
Born where:  
1st married where:  
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:  
Known residences:  
Notes:   name may be Jan Gillis(?) dumont

      3a.  Jenne Boneth     –    aka,  
Born when:  
1st married when:  
Died when:  
Spouse 1:  
2nd married when:  
Born where:  
1st married where:  
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:  
Known residences:  

Timeline of Jan dumont and Jenne Boneth

1616, May 27 At Leyden Jan de Mon, a wolkammer from Valencienne, had his name entered into the poorterboeken register. His witnesses and guarantors were Abraham Bienaeyme, a boratwerker and Symon de le Court, a bakker.

1616, May 27 At Leyden Henri de Mon, a passementier from Valencienne, had his name entered into the poorterboeken register. His witnesses and guarantors were Abraham Bienaeyme, a boratwerker and Symon de le Court, a bakker.

1619, July 4 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Isaac, the son of Abraham du Rieu and Judith Bienaime, was baptised. The Witnesses were Denis du Toict, Casijntgen van Peenen, Antoine Six and Jenne des Bonnets.

1619, July 13 At Leyden marriage banns were posted for Jan de Mon, a wolkammer born in Amiens, and Jenne Boneth also born in Amiens

1620, Dec. 27 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jeanne, the daughter of Nicolas de Mon and Brisse Lirot, was baptised. The Witnesses were Isaac de Van, Jenne Bonnet, Jean de Mon and Jenne Bricar.

1621, June 13 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden a child of Jean de Mon was baptised. The Witnesses were Abraham Lenglé, Jaques Pesé, Francoise Vinoble and Rebecca le Brune.

1621, June 27 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Rebecca, the daughter of Jean Clarisse and Pieronne del Fortraje, was baptised. The Witnesses were Daniel Rapo, Jean Waignon and Jeane des Bonnet.

1622, Feb. 13 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Francoise, the son of Abraham Pointelle, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jaques Pese, Francoise Duvoille, Jaques le Quinte and Jeane des Bonnet.

1622, Oct. 5 At Leyden marriage banns were posted for Jan de Mon who was born in Amiens, and Jenne Boneth also born in Amiens. [Question, Why are there two marriage banns for the same couple separated by three years and the birth of a child?]

1622, Nov. 27 At the Waalse Church of Leyden Jan du Mon, a native of Amiens, and Jenne Boneth also born in Amiens [this record seems to give "mesme ___(?)". This records also gives that marriage banns were first annonced in the church on October 8]

1627, Nov. 14 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden a child of Jaques Rome was baptised. The Witnesses were Jaques Pezé, Gilette Ernou, Catheline Fourdine, Jean du Mon and François Ropson.

1627, Dec. 2 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden a Jacob, the son of Jean de Mon was baptised. The Witnesses were Toussain Descrire, Sara des Rosin and Anthoine de Mon. [Note, this might be the child of the Jean de Mon, also a wolkammer, who married Cathalina Provoost. Those marriage banns were annouced 29 January 1627—he also had a brother named Anthony and was given as the widower of Jenne Wouqijer.]

1628, Jan. 16 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden a child of Jean de Mon was baptised. The Witnesses were Nicolas le Quive, Judith Serre, Abraham Francour and Isabelle Lenglé.

1628, May 21 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Isaac, the son of Josse Odou and Francoise Seuein, was baptised. The Witnesses were Abraham Francourt, Jeanne Bonnet, Sara Wallier and Guillaume Guilbert.

1628, Dec. 24 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Catherine, the daughter of Jean de Mon was baptised. The Witnesses were Abraham Francour, Paul Breneau, Catheline Fourdrinne and Susanne Chevau.

1629, Jan. 7 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jeanne, the daughter of Agnen de Mon was baptised. The Witnesses were Jaques Pezez, Jeanne Boinnet, Jean du Mon and Catheline Fourdrinne.

1629, Jan. 7 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Jeanne, the daughter of Jean de Mon was baptised. The Witnesses were Michel Dalebot, Jaques Pezé, Marguerite Doublier and Marie Conin.

1629, Sept. 9 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Daniel, the son of ____ de Mon and Susanne Cheval, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jeanne Boinet, Jean Leuglen, Marie Conin and Pierre Declé.

1632, March 25 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Judith, the daughter of Paul Bruneau was baptised. The Witnesses were Jeanne Bonnes, Pasquet Hacar, Jean du Mon and Marie Bienaimée.

1637, July 30 At Leyden marriage banns were posted for Abraham Franckoore, a raswerker born in Amien now living at Santstraet Corte, and Jenne Bomet, the widow of Jan du Mon who was living in Langegracht. The witness for the gromm was his father, David Franckoore who was living in Jacobsgraft. The witness for the bride was her friend, Hester Bollyngien, who was living in Langegracht.

1637, August 2 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Pierre, the son of Nocolas Soicij, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anthoine Paijen, Jeanne Bonnet, Abraham Francourt, and Marie le Sou.

1641, December At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Abraham, the son of Pierre Gourlan, was baptised. The Witnesses were Estienne Chenau, Jeanne Bonnet, Robbert Fau and Elizabeth Rapen.

1658, Dec. 6 At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leyden Abraham, the son of Antoine du Bois and Anne Drap, was baptised. The Witnesses were Abraham Francourt and Jeanne Bonet.



            <  2. Nẏcolas de Le marlier                                      Table of Contents                                      4. Jan gille  >





Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".

Map of the mouth of the Wyapoko River as depicted by Jean Mousnier la Montagne, c1623.

Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".