[5] Jan de trou
5 enfans Jan de trou
en laine [green=de Forest handwriting]
W(ife) 5 children Jan de trou X comber in wool [green=de Forest handwriting]
5. Jan de trou – aka, Dettro
1st married when: 1590–1604 Died when: Spouse 1: Cathelijne le Large 2nd married when: 27 April, 1605 Father: |
1st married where: Died where: Spouse 2: Jenne des Cou 2nd married where: Leiden, Waals Mother: |
Siblings: Idelette des Trou [born Luyck] (Thomas Sprenger, 2nd Francois Herlenvoy), Mary Troo Friends: Jan Draven, Jan Heynou, Jean de le Tombe, Toussain Pinson, Nicaise Bohe, Guillebert Vaillant, Michel Mathijs, Jean Remri, Gilles Thomas, Philippe Sergeaunt, Jacques des Rosins, Henry Le Maire, Simon Le Maire Business Partners: Religious affiliations: Waalse Reformed Occupations: drapier Known residences: Netherlands, Leiden Notes: There's a Leiden Marriage record for Marye Favercque born Turcoyn to Pier le Rougie born Turcoyn; witnesses for the groom Jan Dutry (cousin) and Philipe la Motton friend; witnesses for the bride Mary de le Tombe friend and Sgen de la Heule friend. [Walloone Bib. "Destroux", Desryes–d'hatrel, image 3038] |
5b. Jenne des Cou – aka, Decou, Descou, Descour, Descont
1st married when: 27 April, 1605 Died when: Spouse 1: Jan de Trou 2nd married when: Father: |
1st married where: Leiden, Waals Church Died where: Spouse 2: 2nd married where: Mother: |
Siblings: Jean Descou (Jenne Halle), Marie Descou (sp), Magdalena de Coe [born "Brillon"] (Jacques de Rosijn, 2nd married 1625 Jean le Man) Friends: Cathelijne le Maire (neice), Barber del Baer (neice), Catherine Sergeant, Elizabeth del Tombe, Clarette del Tombe, Martine des Buckquoy, Magdeline Brabancon, Jenne Haille, Jaquemine Bequer Business Partners: Religious affiliations: Waalse Reformed Occupations: Known residences: Leiden; Amsterdam Notes: At Penticte 1599 "Jenne de Cou"; June 1625 a "Jenne Descou" was welcomed a member of Leiden Walloon with testimony from Amsterdam. 1597/98 Leiden member "Anne Descou" femme de Pierre de Bane. Leiden marriage record from 20 November, 1599 for Sjoos (Joost?) Delcoeur born Turcoyn and Mary Minseille born Canbraey; record might help with origins of Descou and Farvaquce; Sjoos first wife was Mary Fervarcke. For research on surname SEE—Bibliotheque Wallonne, Der–Desfournis, Image 4486. |
Timeline of Jan de trou and Jenne des Cou
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