[9] Anthoin desendre

Fme     1  enfant     anthoin desendre   Labourer de Vingier
Wife     1   child    anthoin desendre   Laborer of the Vine
      9.    Anthoin desendre     –    aka, Anthoni de Chandre, de Schandre, descendre, de Sandre, de Chandre, des Cendre, de Zandra
Born when:   1580–1593
1st married when:   29 December, 1616
Died when:   bef. 1630
Spouse 1:   Peronne Goedeman
2nd married when:   NA
Born where:   Artois
1st married where:   Lieden
Died where:  
Spouse 2:   NA
2nd married where:   NA
Children:   Marie (1618/19), Pierre (1622)
Friends:   Anthoine de Beaumont; Tomas Vervaecke, Jan Phillippo, Thomas Verhage, Jean Macar, Claude Ghislin Anthoine de Viller, Louijs le Maire, Anthoni Garnie.
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:   Waalse Reformed
Occupations:     laborer, kammaker
Known residences:   France, Artoys; Netherlands, Leiden

      9a.  Peronne Goedeman     –    aka,   Pyrone, Pierrone, Godemey, Gaudemon, Gorreman, Gourman, Gournamd
Born when:   1590–1599
1st married when:   29 December, 1616
Died when:   bef. 1659
Spouse 1:   Anthonie descandre
Spouse 3:   Jaecques Gentty
2nd married when:   1630, April 11
3rd married when:   1636, Nov. 2
Born where:   Arras [aka, Atrecht]
1st married where:   Leiden
Died where:  
Spouse 2:   Jean Bulteau
Spouse 4:  
2nd married where:   Leiden
3rd married where:   Leiden
Mother:   Marijtgen Maertens
Children:   Marie (1618/19), Pierre (1622)
Siblings:   Barbar (sister), Jean(?)
Friends:   Marie du Cloux, Marie Foudrin, Marie Grenier, Susanne du Rie [wife of Peres des Familles member Anthoini de Beaumont ].
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:   Waalse Reformed
Known residences:   1630 living at Leiden on the St Jacobsgraft; March 1637 living at Leiden on the Swietenstraet
Notes:   At Leiden in August 1659 Jaecq Jenty living on the Engelsepoort married Annetge Leenderts van Donewaert&mash;it was given that Jaecq was the widower of "Pirone Gorreman." ALSO, since there is no further record of Anthony, and assume he arrived back in the Netherlands in late January or Febrary 1624, and therefore in time to be on the ship New Netherland bound for Manhattan that departed in March 1624. I consider he and his wife likely candadates to be among those first settlers.

Timeline of Anthoin desendre and Peronne Goedeman

1616, December 29 At Leiden marriage bann were anounced for Anthone de Schandre, a combmake, and Pyrone Goedeman. It was given that the groom was a native of "Artoys" and that the bride was a native of "Atrecht" [Arras].zthe eitnrsses for the groom were his friends, Tomas Vervaecke and Jan Phillippo; for the bride the witness was her mother Marijtgen Maertens.

1617, June 9 Registered in the porterboken, was "Anthony de Sandre", a kammaker from Arras. He was vouched for by Thomas Verhage, a kammaker and Anthoni Garnie, a wolkammer.

1617, Nov. 2 At Leiden a child of Anthonis Schender was buried. It was given that the residence of the deceased was on "St. Jorissteeg".

1619, Dec. 1 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Marie, the daughter of Anthoine des Cendre and his wife Peronne. The Witnesses were Toussaint Pinchon, Marie Grenier, Guillaume Carnoij and Marie de Smet.

1620, February 2 At the Waalse Vrouwekerke in Leiden Jacob, the sone of Anthoine de Baumon was baptised. The Witnesses were Anthoine de Cendre and Marie Crovein.

1621, May 28 Registered in the porterboken, was "Glaude Vysleyn", a kleermaker [tailor] from Mons [aka Bergen in Henegouwe]. Glaude was vouched for by Olivier de Hoeregie, and Anthoni de Chandre.

1622, April 3 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Jesse Taque, the son of Elisabeth le Prest and Hubert Taque, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jessé de Forest, Anne Taque, Marie Dallour and Antoine des Cendre.

1622, May 15 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Sara Godebert, the daughter of Jean Godebert, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anthoine Descendere, Marie Grenier, Catheline du Moulin and Jessé des Forest.

1622, June At Leyden Passchier Petij, the son of Jean, appeared before notary Jan Mote and caused a document to be produced. This document contains the name and signature of Anthoine descendre.

[inventory number 286, file 82, image 171 of 191]

1622, Oct. 20 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Pierre des Cendre, the son of Peronne Gaudemon and Anthoine des Cendre, was baptised. The Witnesses were Marie Tahon, Anthoine de Vilier, Louijs le Maire and Marie du Cloux.

1622, Nov. 20 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Marie, the daughter of Marie Fourdrin and Jean Macar, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anthoine des Cender, Francois Fourdrin, Marie Funnar and Anne Devin.

1622, Dec. 25/26 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Daniel de Beaumon, the son of Susanne du Rie and Anthoine de Beaumom, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jessé des Forest, Jean Goudebon, Marie Taloij and Peronne Goudeman.

1623, June 9 Registered in the porterboken, was Passchier Pety, a combmaker from Arras, who was vouched for by Anthoni Gernier, a wool comber, and by "Antony de Zandra", a combmaker.

1623, July 1 Antoine descendra, along with 11 other men collectively known as the "Pères de familles," departed Amsterdam on board the ship Pigeon with destination the "de Wilde Coaste".

1624, Oct. 15 At Leiden a child of Anthone Desender was buried. It was given that the residence of the deceased was "te Veldesteeg".

1624-1630 Anthoine decendre died.

1628, Feb. 13 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Pierre, the son of Pierre des Buquoij, was baptised. The Witnesses were Pironne Goudemé, Toussain Muyssart, Jean Cornille and Elizabeth Noiret.

1630, April 11 At Leiden marriage banns were anounced for Jean Bulteau, a "vaandoekwerker" and Pieronne Goedemay. It was given that the groom was a native of Bergen and living at "Camp" and that the bride was the widow of Anthony Decenderes and was living on St. Jacobsgraft. The witnesses for the groom were his friends Pierre Bourgeau and Andries Dureau. The witness for ythe bride was her sister, Barber Goedemaij.

1631, Sept. 28 At Leiden Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leiden Andries Duriaus, the son of Barbe Denijs and Andries Duriaus, was baptised. The Witnesses were "Peronne Gourman", Francois Fourdrijn and Marie Tompson.

1636, Nov. 2 At Leiden Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leiden Susanne, the daughter of Andre Bureau, was baptised. The Witnesses were Mathieu Regnaubu, Philippe Si, "Peronne Gourmand" and Marie de la Croix.

1637, March 31 At Leiden marriage banns were anounced for Jaecques Gentty, a "grofgreinwerker" and Pieronne Godemay. It was given that the groom was living on the Sant and a native of Bergen Hengouwen, and that the bride was the widow of Jean Bultien and living on Swietenstraet. The witnesses for the groom were his friend Matheus Reynout and for the bride her cousin Barbar Denijs.




            <  8 Ernou Catoir                                      Table of Contents                                      10. Abel de crepẏ  >





Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".

Map of the mouth of the Wyapoko River as depicted by Jean Mousnier la Montagne, c1623.

Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".