[1] Jesse de Forest

   f(em)     5 enfans              Jesse de Forest              tainturier

  w(iv)     5 children             Jesse de Forest              dyer          
      1.    Jesse de Forest    –    aka,  Josse; Des Forests, De Foreest, du Forest
Born when:   bet. 1566-1577
1st married when:   23 September 1601
Died when:   22 October, 1624
Spouse 1:   Marie du Cloux
Father:   Jehan de Forest
Born where:   Avesnes, County of Hainaut
1st married where:   Principality of Sedan
Died where:   Oyapock River, "Wilde Coste"
Spouse 2:   N/A
Mother:   Anne Maillard
Children:   Maria (1602), Jean (1604), Henry (1607), David (1608), Rachel (c1609), Jesse (1615), Isaac (1616), Israel (1617), Philippe (1620)
Siblings:   Gerard, Ann (wife of Jean Le Farvre), Jean, Melchore
Other relations: business partner at Montcornet with David Lambremont husband of Magdeleine du Cloux (sister of Marie du Cloux deForest)
Friends:   Henri Lambert Coteur;
Religious affiliations:   French Reformed
Occupations:   Dyer
Known residences:   Principality of Sedan; Montcornet; Netherlands, Leiden

      1b.  Marie du Cloux     –    aka,
Born when:   bet. 1575-1586
1st married when:   23 September 1601
Died when:  
Spouse 1:   Jesse de Forest
Father:   Nacaise du Cloux
Born where:   Principality of Sedan
1st married where:   Principality of Sedan
Died where:  
Spouse 2:   N/A
Mother:   Marie Aubertin
Children:   Maria (1602), Jean (1604), Henry (1607), David (1608), Rachel (c1609), Jesse (1615), Isaac (1616), Israel (1617), Philippe (1620)
Siblings:   Etienne du Cloux, Daniel du Cloux, Magdeleine (wife of Jean Le Farvre) was Jean le Farvre married to sister of Jesse de Forest ant to the sister of Jesse's wife as well?
Other relations:   )
Religious affiliations:   Waalse Reformed
Known residences:   Principality of Sedan; Montcornet; Netherlands, Leiden; Amsterdam

Timeline of Jesse de Forest and Marie du Cloux

1567–1577 Jesse de Forest, the son of Jehan de Forest and Anne Maillard, is thought to have been born during this period in Avesnes, a commune now within the borders of France, but at that time in the County of Hainaut.DE FOREST (1900), p51

1575–1585 Marie du Cloux, the daughter of Marie Aubertin and Nicaise du Cloux, is thought to have been born during this period in the City and Principality of Sedan, now located within the borders of France.DE FOREST (1900), p180

1601, Sept. 23 Sunday. In a Protestant Reformed Church in the Principality of Sedan Jesse des forest, son of Jean des forest merchant of this city and Marie du Cloux, daughter of Nicaise du Cloux merchant of this city, were married by Sieur du Tilloy [SEE, Notes for Jacques Cappel].DE FOREST (1900), p180

1602, July 7 In a Protestant Reformed Church in the Principality of Sedan Marie, the daughter of Jesse des forest merchant and Marie du Cloux, was baptised by Monsieur du Tilloy [SEE, Notes for Jacques Cappel]. The sponsors were Estienne du Cloux and Marie Aubertin.DE FOREST (1900), p180

1604, July 22 In a Protestant Reformed Church at in the Principality of Sedan Jean, the son of Jesse des forests merchant and Marie du Cloux, was baptised; the sponsors were Jean le Vasseur and Magdeleine du Cloux.DE FOREST (1900), p181

1606, March 7 At a Reformed Church in the Principality of Sedan Henry, the son of Jesse des foretz merchant and Marie du Cloux, was baptised; the sponsors were Henry de Lambermont merchant residing at Sinonne, and his wife Rachel Aubertin.DE FOREST (1900), p181

1607, Nov 1 At a Reformed Church in the Principality of Sedan Elizabeth, the daughter of Jesse des forets merchant residing at Montcornet in Thierache and Marie du Cloux, was baptised; the sponsors were Abraham le groa, a goldsmith, and his wife Elizabeth Aubertin.DE FOREST (1900), p181

1608, Dec 11 At a Reformed Church in the Principality of Sedan David, the son of Jesse des forest merchant–dyer residing at Montcornet in Thierache and Marie du Cloux, was baptised; the sponsors were David de Lambremont, a merchant–dyer at Montcornet, and Marie de Lambremont daughter of Henry risiding at Simonne.DE FOREST (1900), p181

1609–1617 There is a gap in the records of the registers of the Reformed church of Sedan. DE FOREST (1900), p181

1609–1611 It's believed that Rachel, the daughter of Jesse de Forest and Marie du Cloux, was born during this period.

1612, Aug–Sept At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leiden Israel, the son of Pierre de Halewijn and Marie de Hase, was baptised. The Witnesses were Guillaumme le Leu, Jenne le Pla Jan Quekere and Marie Clou.

1615, March 1. At the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leiden Jesse, the son of Marie du Clou and Jesse de Forest, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jan Vekers (junior), Melchior du Forest, Agnes de la Grange and Esther de la Grange.
[Jan Velers was twice a witness at baptism of child of Jesse de Forest—Note, other have this name as Vekers, mistaking the l in "Velers" for a "k", also might be "Cuvelier". Melchior du Forest was the father of Jesse de Forest; Agnes de la Grange and Esther de la Grange were mother and daughter—Esther, AKA Hester, married Gerard de Forest, Jesse's brother, in 1612]

1616 At Leiden Jesse de Forest appeared Notary Public Jan van Heussen and caused a document to be recorded. Document mentions Floris Reyersz (AKA van Swyeten), who according to other records was a brewer. [page 175, image 217 of 250]

1616, July At the Waalse Church in Leiden, Isaac du Forrest the son of Jesse de Forrest, was baptised. The Witnesses were Isaac de Syde, Heleine Chanvine, Marie de Syde and Jan Vekers.
[Isaac de Side married to Marie Hendauge in 1605 at the Waalse Vrouwkerk in Leiden. The marriage banns gave that Isaac was a native of Antwerp and that Maria was a native of Canterbury, England; also of interest given in the record of banns was that one of the witnesses was Michael du Pon and that the mother of Maria was Anthonette Bodeyn. Maria was likely the daughter of Gabriel Hannedoeys, AKA Hanedouche, who is listed in the Leiden poorterbook as being a native of Calon in Artois, but was also listed in the Canterbury Wallon Church register; according to latter records Isaac de Syde was a merchant in ribbons. In 1617 Isaac de Syde was listed in the poorterbooks as a sponsor to Jonathan Willemsz Bruster who was a ribbon maker and the son of Pilgrim father William Brewster. Jan Velers was twice a witness at baptism of child of Jesse de Forest. Note, other have this name as Vekers, mistaking the l in "Velers" for a "k". ]

1617, Oct 7 At the Waalse Church in Leiden, Israel du Forrest, the son of Marie du Clou and Jesse de Forrest, was baptised. The Witnesses were Israel salomon and Elizabeth Legre.
[Leiden Attestation Oct 1615, "Israel Salmon, de Sedan". On October 10, 1618 a child of Isarel Salemon was buried—it was given that the deceased was living in "Zijlpoort".]

1620, March 1 At the Waalse Church in Leiden, Isaac Digand, the son of Francoise Tregeau and Berthelemij Digand, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jean Tourle, Claude de Fontaine, Barbe Guillaume and Marie du Clou.

1620, Sept 13 At the Waalse Vrouwekerk in Leiden, Philippe des Forest, the son of Marie du Clou and Jesse des Forest, was baptised. The Witnesses were Toussain Muijssaer, Jean de le Marlier, Susanne de Bane and Jenne Wanin.
[Toussaint Muyssart was the son of Toussaint Muyssart and both seem to have been prominent business men. Toussaint Jr. was a partner in the Rensselaerwyck Patroonship. Toussaint the younger married Susan de Bane. Jean de le Marlier was married to Jenne Wanin, AKA Wane, Wannee.]

1620, Dec 27 At the Walloon Church in Leiden, Jesse de Lingnie, the son of Catheline Leuren and Francois de Lingnie, was baptised. The Witnesses were Michel Bonnet, Marie du Claux, Jenne Digan and Jessé des Forest.
[Francois died prior to 1626 remarriage of his wife Catheline Leuren.]

1621, July A petition, in the style of a "round&ndashh;robin", and written in the hand of La Montagne, was presented to Sir Dudley Carleton, the British Ambassador at the Hague, by Jesse de Forest and included a promise of the "Walloons and French" to emigrate to Virginia. The petition was signed by some of the Walloons and included the names of heads of families with the number of those in each family totaling 227 persons. O'CALLAGHAN (1853), p7 SAINSBURY 498 BAIRD 352 DE FOREST (1900), 190 GREEN p22-26 n48 n109 n123 a2

1621, July 15 A letter dated Ides of July 1621, From Andre Rivet at London to Johannes Polyander back at Leiden wherein Rivet conveys several subjects that are in part abstracted as follows, "He was relieved to hear of P's. recovery. He himself reached London after a difficult delayed voyage from Flushing. A happy union with the pastors of the Gallic Church is in the offing. The King gave the delegates from La Rochelle a favourable reception and promises to send a special envoy to explain the King's counsels and other help. He describes the prostration of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury caused by his having shot a man accidentally with an arrow when hunting. He mentions the number of French exiles in London; that he proposes to visit the universities and to seek an opportunity of putting his friend's case to the King." Bodleian Library, Oxford, "Early Modern Letters Online" n137

1621, July 19 A letter bearing this date was sent by to Sir Dudley Carleton, the British Ambassador at the Hague, to Sir George Calvert wherein Dudley wrote of the request presented by de Forest, who "here hath been with me of late, on behalf of the Walloons desirerous of emigrating to Virginia. BAIRD 158 GREEN p22-26 n109

1621, Aug 1 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Henri Lambert, the son of Henri Lambert, was baptised. The Witnesses were Thoinette Digand, Jaques de Lechielle, Rachel des Foret and Jessé des Forest.

1621, Aug The Virginia Company responded to the petition of certain French and Walloon families... It probably wasn't what Jesse de Forest was hoping for as the Virginia Company, though amenable to the emigration of these people to Virginia, were unwilling to aid them in their transportation and instead of allowing them to form their own settlement, were offering them land grants throughout the various cities, boroughs and corporations already existing in the colony. Sainsbury 26

1621, Oct At the Waalse Church in Leiden, Pierre Piccault, the son of Jeanne du Quesne and Pierre Piccault, was baptised. The Witnesses were Susanne Magnesuij, Bastien Dentarte, Marie du Clou and Glaude Beauvain.

1622, Feb 6 Dudley Carleton, the British Ambassador at the Hague, sent a message to the Privy Council wherein he aknowledged having received their letters of 15th December regarding Hollanders having planted a colony upon some parts north of Virginia and their direction to him of informing the States General to "stay any ships bound thither, and to prohibit the further prosecution of that plantation. Carleton reported that about four or five years ago two companies of Amsterdam merchants began trading with the natives in those parts which they have named New Netherland, but that he did not believe that there was any colony intend as a considerable number of families had come to him so as to procure a place of habitation there. Sainsbury 27

1622 During the first quarter of this year a group of Walloon families, which included that of Jesse de Forest, proposed to the Dutch authorities a plan for their emigration to the “West Indies.” JARM O'CALLAGHAN (1856), 28 DE FOREST v1, 22 n119

1622, Feb 17 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Denis Sermien, the son of Denis Sermien, was baptised. The Witnesses were Marie Bonnet, Jessé de Forest, Jeanne Billet and Pierre le Conte.

1622, April 3 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Jesse Taque, the son of Elisabeth le Prest and Hubert Taque, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jessé de Forest, Anne Taque, Marie Dallour and Antoine des Cendre.

1622, April 21 It was recorded in the register of “Resolutions of the States of Holland and Westfriesland” that the Directors of the West India Company report that they had examined the paper relative to the Families to be conveyed to the West Indies and thought the plan advantageous to the Company and therefore an effort should be made to promote it, as well as a promise given that they shall be employed. However, the Directors also thought that the plan should be postponed until the Directors of the Company could be formed. To this the Assembly unanimously agreed and resolved that said promise should be given. O'CALLAGHAN (1856), 28 BAIRD, 166 DE FOREST v1, 22

1622, May 15 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Sara Godebert, the daughter of Jean Godebert, was baptised. The Witnesses were Anthoine Descendere, Marie Grenier, Catheline du Moulin and Jessé des Forest.

1622, Aug 27 In a session before the States-General councilors of the States of Holland reported upon a petition summited to them for their consideration wherein, as it appears, that Jesse de Forest applied to the States-General for their permission to enroll families and individuals who professing the Reformed religion might be willing to form a settlement in the West Indies n119 for the advancement and promotion of the West India Company. The report being view favorably, it was resolve that Jesse de Forest would be permitted to enroll qualified persons and families on condition that he should do so with the knowledge and concurrence of the several cities in which he should make the enrollment and that the same would be returned to the States of Holland. BAIRD, 168 DE FOREST (1900), 196 DE FOREST v1, 23

1622, Aug 28 At the Walloon Church in Leiden, Anne Lambert the daughter of Henri Lambert, was baptised. The Witnesses were Antoine Harduwijn [Harduwijn emigrated to New Netherland in 1624], Marie de Clou, Pierre Haspart, Jan Merniere and Marie Bernard.

1622, Sept 21 At the Walloon Church in Leiden a child of Jean Halquemeijer was baptised. The Witnesses were Marie Halquemeijer, Pierre Haule, Elizabeth le Ceine and Jessé des Forest.

1622, Oct 20 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Pierre des Cendre, the son of Peronne Gaudemon and Anthoine des Cendre, was baptised. The Witnesses were Marie Tahon, Anthoine de Vilier, Louijs le Maire and Marie du Cloux.

1622, Dec 25/26 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Daniel de Beaumon, the son of Susanne du Rie and Anthoine de Beaumom, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jessé des Forest, Jean Goudebon, Marie Taloij and Peronne Goudeman.

1623, Jan 22 At the Walloon Church in Leiden Jeremie, the son of Gerard des Forest, was baptised. The Witnesses were Jessé des Forest and Fabian Fremaut.

1627, Feb 24 At St. Pieterskerk in Leiden Jolant, the daughter of Johannes Montaigne, was baptised. The Witnesses were Marij du Clou and Jan de Foore.


Jacques Cappel, AKA Monsieur du Tilloy, AKA Jacobus Tillaeus (1570–1624), pastor of the church founded by himself on his fief of le Tilloy and afterwards at Sedan, where he became professor of Hebrew, distinguished as historian, philologist, and author of several works. At Sedan in January 1621 the Round Robin Petitioner and student Pierre Gantois published his thesis titled Theses theologicae, in quibus observationes in secundam partem capitis noni epistolae ad Hebraeos continentur, quas sub.... "In this he is aided by Jacques Cappel."—SEE Round Robin Petitioner, P. Gantois.


DE FOREST v1—Mrs. Robert W. De Forest [AKA Emily Johnston ].   A Walloon Family in America, Lookwood de Forest and His Forbears, 1500-1848, volume I, "Together with a Voyage to Guiana Being the Journal of Jesse de Forest and his colonists 1623-1625." Boston and New York Published by Houghtom Mifflin Company (1914). [LCCN 14022574] Another Copy

DE FOREST v2—Emily Johnston De Forest [AKA Mrs. Robert].   A Walloon Family in America, Lookwood de Forest and His Forbears, 1500-1848, volume II, "Together with a Voyage to Guiana Being the Journal of Jesse de Forest and his colonists 1623-1625." Boston and New York Published by Houghtom Mifflin Company (1914). [LCCN 14022574] Another Copy

DE FOREST (1895)—J.W. De Forest.   Article titled, The Founder of New York, which was part of a greater volume titled, The American Historical Register and Monthly Gazette of the Patriotic–Hereditary Societies of the United States of American; edited by Charles H. Browning; The Historical Register Publishing Company; Philadelphia; 1895 [volume March, 1895—August, 1895]. Also see the additional volumes which also contain portions of this same article. Another Copy

DE FOREST (1900)—J.W. De Forest.   The De Forests of Avesnes (and of New Netherland) a Huguenot Thread in American Colonial History. New Haven, Connecticut; The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co., Printers and Publishers (1900). [LCCN 01030269] Another Copy

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 0501A, Inventory Numbers 1313–1343,   Register of Burials in Leiden 1601–1805.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 0535, Waalse Reformed of Leiden, Inventory Numbers 16–21,   Member Registers 1600–1899.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 1–47,   Registers of Ecclesiastical Wedding Proclamations (of the Reformed) 1575–1795.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 48–86,   Registers of Marriages, Low German Reformed, Pieterskerk 1585–1795.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 87–124,   Registers of Marriage, Low German Reformed, Hooglandse Kerk 1597–1795.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 162–166,   Registers of Marriages, Walloon Reformed Congregation, Vrouwekerk 1604–1811.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 167–170,   Registers of Marriages, Walloon Reformed Congregation, Gasthuiskerk 1638–1738.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 197–210,   Ships' Marriages, Banns and Marriage Registers of the non–Reformed 1592–1795.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 221–231,   Low German Reformed, Pieterskerk, Register of Baptisms 1621–1811.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 232–257,   Low German Reformed, Hooglandsche Kerk, Register of Baptisms 1621–1811.

LEIDEN REGIONAL ARCHIVES 1—Leiden Regional Archives, Archive Number 1004, Inventory Numbers 270–276,   Waalse Reformed, Vrouwkerk, Register of Baptisms 1599–1811.

            <  The Petitioners                                      Table of Contents                                      2. Nẏcolas de Le marlier  >


