[6] Phlipe maton

           Fme     5   enfans     Philipe Maton   teinturie et deux serviteur [green = de Forest handwriting]
           Wife     5   children    Philipe Maton   dyer and two servants [green = de Forest handwriting]
      6.    Phlipe maton     –    aka, Matton, Mathon, Martin, Maertin
Born when:   1577–1590
1st married when:  
Died when:  
Spouse 1:   Elizabeth de Haluwijn
2nd married when:  
Born where:   Wambrechies
1st married where:   Leiden
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:   Waalse Reformed
Occupations:   Dyer  
Known residences:   Leiden
Notes:   1619 Leiden Notary for Philps Maten, signature matches perfectly, gives that he was a "lintreder" mentions "Jan Jacobsz. van 't Zuytlant (timmerman)" and Phillips van Bredenrude (schrijworker). There's a Leiden Criminal record for a Philips Mathon (dyer) who was a "voortvluchtig" or a fugitive. There's a Leiden Marriage record for Marye Favercque born Turcoyn to Pier le Rougie born Turcoyn; witnesses for the groom Jan Dutry (cousin) and Philipe la Motton friend; witnesses for the bride Mary de le Tombe friend and Sgen de la Heule friend. Also SEE, [Bibliotheque, Matile–Meyer, image 872]

      6b.  Elizabeth de Haluwijn     –    aka,  
Born when:   1585–1595
1st married when:   1611
Died when:  
Spouse 1:   Philipe Matton
2nd married when:  
Born where:   Leiden
1st married where:   Leiden
Died where:  
Spouse 2:  
2nd married where:  
Business Partners:  
Religious affiliations:  
Known residences:  

Timeline of Phlipe Maton and Elizabeth de Haluwijn

1599, Jan. 16 Marriage Banns were given for Philippe Maton and Phillippote Caron. It was given that the groom was born in "Turcoingen" and that the bride was born at "Doornick". The witnesses for the groom were his friends Oliphier Platteau and Pieter Blankaert. The witnesses for the bride were her friends Sjenne Pla and Marye Bychier. It was also given that the bride was the widow of Rogier Herbuy.

1600, July 22 Marriage Banns were given for Abel de Curpij and Mary Maton. It was given that the groom was born at "Calis Vranckryck" and that the bride was born at "Gent". The witnesses for the groom were his cousin Jan de Curpy and his friend Jan Legleyn. The witnesses for the bride were her stepmother Phillippote Caron and her friend Mary le Ruytere. The marriage took place at the Waalse Kerk.

1600, Nov. 4 Marriage Banns were given for Jan Maton (slootmaker) and Sjen Bajer. It was given that the groom was born at "Menene" and that the bride was born at "Table Vranckryck". The witnesses for the groom was his father "Phillippe Maton" and for the bride her friends Pyron Face and Margriete Ridders. The marriage took place at the Waalse Kerk.

1601, Sept. 23 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Jaques, the son of Judith des Cans and Jaques Wattie was baptised; the Witnesses were Philippe Maton, Jean Cousin, Sara des Cam and Jeanne Plateau.

1608, Feb. At the Waals kerk, Leiden Sara, the daughter of Jan Maton was baptised; the Witnesses were Gerard Vaillant, Catharina Face, Philippe Maton and Nicolas Rentre.

1610, March 12 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Philippe, the son of Jenne Bayart and Jan Maton was baptised; the Witnesses were Pierre Face, Rachel Roubly, Philippe Maton and Cateline Desrennerres.

1611, Feb.–March In the Waalse Vrouwekerk at Leiden Philippe Maton natif Wambersy (Wambrechies) and Elizabeth de Haluwijn, native of Leiden, were married.

1611, Sept. 11 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Marie, the daughter of Philippe Matton was baptised; the Witnesses were Martin de Halewijn, Gilles le Fevre, Jenne Bayard and Jenne le Plut.

1611, Sept. 11 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Abraham, the son of Jenne Bouche and Noel du Blar was baptised; the Witnesses were Jan Maton, Jenne Bayar, Margueritte Maton and Philippe Maton.

1614, Nov. 30 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Jean, the son of Elizabeth de Halewin and Philippe Maton was baptised; the Witnesses were Marie de Halewijn, Jean Maton, Jaspar du Pré and his wife.

1617, Feb. 22 Petrus Matton "Leidensis", age 19, was registered at Leiden University as a student of "P".

1618, July 30 At Amsterdam, Philipe Maton was, with a certificate from the Leiden congregation, was accepted as a member of the Amsterdam Church.

1618, Aug. 15 At Leiden, Philips Mathon was "Called" and listed as a "fugitive".[invent.3+10, blad 220, image 263 of 276--Note, image 273 has Thomas Cornel with who LaMontagne resided in 1622]

1619, Aug. 12 At the Leiden "Philp Maton", a lintreder, registered his name in the Poorterboeken; the witnesses who appeared for him were Henrick de Loper and Jan Maton. It was given that he was from "Munbersi bij Rijssel" (this may be Wambrechies near Lille).

1619, Oct. 26 At the Leiden "Phillips Mathon Lintreder" about 33, appeared before the Leiden notary Jan van Heussen. Document mentions Jan Jacobs Van Thijtlant timmerman (matches porterboeken register for Jan Jacobsz van 't Zuytlant, timmerman)and Phillips Van Bredeurode. Document mention several times "Bredeurode", which was a fortress in South Holland, several times. other names mentioned, Andies Gubbel and Pieter de Commig(?) among others. Signature of Philippe Maton on this document matches that on Round-Robin. Note, there is at least 1 notary documents from 1620 for Jan Jacobs van Suytlant.

1620, Nov. 12 At Amsterdam, Walloon church Attestations, "Phlippe Maton et sa femme".

1621, March 1 At Leiden, Philips Mathon was "Called"; it was given that he was a born at Antwerpen and a wolkammer by profession [1mage 180]; invent.3+10, blad 61 vso.

1621, March 21 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Susanne, the daughter of Elizabeth de Halvin and Philippe Matton was baptised; the Witnesses were Susanne Halvin, Jaques Matton, Isaac de Halvin and Susanna Honé.

1621, March 28 Philippus Matton "Leidensis", age 12, was registered at Leiden University. [unlikely Philip's son, more likely that of John or Peter who was a Leiden surgeon]

1621, Sept. 15 At the Waals kerk of Leiden Marie de Helleuijn, the daughter of Susanna Houses and Jaques de Helleuijn was baptised; the Witnesses were Jan de Hallevijn, Elizabeth de Hallevijn, Jan Hauseth and Maria Houseth.

1622, June 12 At the Waals kerk, Leiden Abraham, the son of Francoise Busar (AKA Bricar) and Jaques Lamelo was baptised; the Witnesses were Marie Durlau and Philippe Matton.

1623, September 18 – At the Leiden Jean Gruson, a saaiwerker, registered his name in the Poorterboeken; the witnesses who appeared for him were Phillips Maton (verver) and Gillis le Fevre (fusteindrapier). It was given that Jean Gruson was from "Armentieres".

1626, Jan. 18 At the Waals kerk of Leiden, Marie Crepy, the daughter of Jaquemine de Lannoy and Abel Crepy was baptized. The Witnesses were Philippe Maton and Anthoinette Marliere.

1626, Sept. 3 At the Waals kerk of Leiden, Jaques Maton the son of Elizabeth de Halvin and Philippe Maton was baptised; the Witnesses were Susanne Bohava, Jaques Haluin, Jenne le Mer and Jean Maton.

1626, November 15 At the Waals kerk of Leiden Jaques Haelewijn, the son of Susanna Franssen and Daniel Haelewijn was baptised; the Witnesses were Susanna Vojaval, Philippe Maton and Maerten Halewijn. (note, baptised in the Gasthuis)

1628, Oct. 8 At the Waals kerk of Leiden, Jacob Maton the son Philippe Maton was baptised; the Witnesses were Jeanne Maton, Philippe Maton and Marie de Haluwijn.

1633, Feb. 27 At the Waals kerk of Leiden Jeanne Maton, the daughter of Elizabeth Haleweijn and Philippe Maton was baptised; the Witnesses were Jean Maton Le Fils, Marie Perat and Jeanne Baijart.



            <  5. Jan de trou                                      Table of Contents                                      7. Anthoine des Villers  >





Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".

Map of the mouth of the Wyapoko River as depicted by Jean Mousnier la Montagne, c1623.

Maps currrently attributed to Johannes Vingboon, including the above map of the "Noord Rivier", highly resemble the maps of LaMontagne produced bet. 1623–1625 during an expedition to the "Wilde Coste".